Does the Gleneagles G8 really matter?

Empty rhetoric
A brief flurry of soundbites
in six languages

Long before the fun began
Faceless phone-calls fixed the end.

Leaders meet with Bob
Mingle, drink coffee, improve
Their golf handicaps,

And make caring faces for
Photo opportunities.

Tony wants more aid,
Free trade, fair trade, end to CAP.
But will it happen?

Teargas, mist over heather
Drowning cries of protestors

Subsidy, tariff
Five hundred kinds of ripe cheese
The price? Africa

Read some economics, George
Open markets means you too

Object from afar
And maybe reach world leaders
(oh, and Jacques Chirac)

“Agribusiness and cheap fuel:
They don’t vote, but count double”

Strange demonstration
In support of our leaders:
White armbands for Brown!

A million protesters!
When’s the last time that happened?

Blair, Bush and their pals
Will get nothing done, but then
Neither will Geldof.

Billions gaze on and wonder
“Is this the best we can do?”

G8 seems only
An excuse for a pointless
Back-slapping wank-fest

People not government will
Make Poverty History.

A renga by Katie, Andrew, Phil E, Jim B, Jarndyce, Nosemonkey and Phil H. With thanks to Channel 4.

Katie adds:
When Channel 4 News asked the Sharpener to write something for their G8 summit “view from the blogs”, we were flummoxed. As a group blog which prides itself on the disparate nature of our opinions, it seemed impossible to stick to the 200-word limit.

The solution presented itself: Renga. A form of Japanese collaborative poetry that requires several writers to write a verse of 17 syllables (a Hakku, 5-7-5) and one of 14 (a Waki, 7-7) in turn. It fixed the length problem and got everyone involved who wanted to be. Of course, it’s kind of wistful in a bitter, zenlike way, but it works, after a fashion.

  1. LukePDQ said:

    Great poetic renga-fest. But I reckon there is sufficient collective political nous amongst the G8 partners (!) to realise they actually need to agree a few positive outcomes; to be seen to assuage the Live8(in a good way)bandwaggon. Think about it. Otherwise all these benificent G8 leaders risk alienating voters in their own respective countries.
    And that wouldn’t be a good thing, now would it.
    Great blog by the way. Thanks.

  2. Terry Rist said:

    We need a lot of rich self styled Supertzars
    To Politicise the poor.

    The Musicians play the music
    The Politicians play the crowd

    Old men with graying hair
    Wave yer bangles in the air

    Band aid, first aid, world trade
    My enthusiasm has long begin to fade

    Old men with graying hair
    Wave yer bangles in the air .. ad nauseam

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  4. Make Poetry History
    I wanna make poverty history
    but I wanna expose the hypocrisy
    of the G8 wanting to give more aid
    and lock it into unfair trade
    No more debts to be repaid
    but where’s the trade of being made?

    I wanna make poverty history
    erase it from the dictionary
    its the word of a missionary
    change barbarity to christianity
    I wanna make poverty history
    erase it from the dictionary
    find a phrase that better says
    that poverty is political

    I wanna make injustice history
    And I’ll break the law to do it
    turn the legal system on its head
    so people can see through it
    expose Tony’s lies and Nike’s crimes
    cos they think they’re so above it
    stick a spanner in the system
    and tell them all where to shove it
    expose our dead democracy
    re create it and renew it
    I wanna make injustice history
    and I’ll break the law to do it

    I wanna make corporations history
    because the we can do without them
    I wanna make domination history
    because the world’s not just rich white men
    I wanna make ecological devastation history
    desparation and dehumanisation history
    I wanna make privatisation history, colonisation history
    I wanna make genetic modification, animal experimentation,
    and female genital mutilation history
    I wanna make lying history, spying history
    low cost flying, and plausible denying
    I wanna make borders history, orders history
    I wanna make HIV and SUVs history
    and BP, MPs, MEPs and SAPs history,
    I wanna make the WTO and the DTI history,
    and M16s, AK47s and D9s history.
    I wanna make ID, DDT, WMD and PMT history
    the NRA, the CIA
    I wanna make the state history
    I wanna make the G8 history

    I wanna make history, make history, make her-story, make history,
    make history, make our-story, make history, with me
    yeah make history, make history, make history, with me
    come on make history, make history, make history, with me

    Shout out against the G8 on the hills and in the glens
    in the streets, in the cities and in the police pens,
    from cape wrath to auchterader
    from grangemouth to faslane
    from dungavel to gleneagles
    from stirling to dunblane
    Join the road block, or the woad block
    or the clandestine insurgent clowns
    or the people’s golfing action
    or the asylum seeker crowd
    join the silver hill walkers
    lighting beacons of dissent!
    You’re part of the system
    so take back your consent.

    Because our story isn’t made by the rulers but the masses
    by the ones who show up and get of their asses
    by the ones that stand and act in solidarity
    That’s the only way that any of us will make history.

  5. GeniusNZ said:

    Radical supergirly,
    You seem to want to make everything history even if it actually works towards the goals that you want.

    So you have people sitting around in a G8 summit going “we dont like these people but we would do what they want to get them off our backs – except we dont really know what they want….”

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