Author Archives: Donald/TheJarndyceBlog
Blair-Berlusconi: You can bring your friends
Giving Lo Scroccone a bit of Googlejuice
Blair’s legacy, part deux
The second part of this will sadly be delayed for a week. Sorry: I’ve been unexpectedly called to the seaside. Thirty comments so far, with tons of stuff I’d forgotten, on the first part. We could really use a few more from anyone out there who hasn’t yet had a go. All in a good cause. Thanks.
The real madness of the Euston Manifesto
I hesitate to add to the thousands of words already written about the Euston Manifesto. We had two good posts here yesterday, but the best so far is probably this one. Anyway, I hesitate essentially because I only read it today, and the damn thing is deathly dull, a collection of anodyne pronouncements, platitudes, and mostly a whole bunch of self-justifying shite that just about anything with a pulse could sign up to. Wet western wank, as the catchphrase goes.
So, I only stop by to pose one question I haven’t seen asked yet: could one be “pro” the Iraq War, situated vaguely on the political liberal-left, and yet firmly agin’ the Manifesto? Read More
The politics of American revivalism
…or the SWP history of the modern world
When there is no outside
Openness, authority and Wikipedianism
A clear conflict of interest
Guildford Tory gotcha
Legalise pot, ban Pink Floyd
… and maybe find Harry a minor honour, like an Earldom or something, for services to badgers