Never mind him, over here we like the guilty ones to die (or at least bleed profusely. The message soon gets out: it’s not worth risking hail of bullets for the $30 my DVD player will raise at the pawn shop – IF the burglar makes it off my property in one piece!
]]>People who would rather evil people had guns than that good people had them attempting to make moral cases against gun ownership for preservation of life purposes is quite the gaudy spectacle.
]]>You’ve not been watching Big Brother this year, then?
]]>Welcome back. In UK blogging news this week, well, there’s a couple of books out. Girl With a One Track Mind was, at least at one point this week, top of the Amazon pre-order lists. I have a feeling that…
]]>The gun ban was an expensive knee-jerk reacton to the Dunblane shootings.
]]>Give it another 5 years or so.
]]>I think we should be told.