There are murderers, paedophiles and all sorts of other criminals in this country who are here illegally and the government will not deport them.
Someone in China could murder a large number of people, jump on the next lorry to england and would never be extradited or face any criminal charges.
The sooner we pull out of the human rights act the better.
]]>Thank you for your latest repot on the the foreign prisonners you so far touched
I personnally belong the illegal group of imigants, but i don’t think that a time you try to see how illegal immigrants live inside U.K( it’s so sad has it used to be, jobs are longer available and even fake documents people used for working are not longer acceptable due to internal checking of the document.
we’re so suffering, we don’t have ressources, money
for surviving,how do expect us to live in a good condition without crimes?? should you be of good heart to grant all illegal rather signing or not status? we need to work legally but our asylum are case are turned down as of my own case I’m not acriminal but I’m now considered as a criminal due to my uprogressive immigration case
I was admitted in Hospital, suffering from T.B for this my case came to be rejected on areason that I didn’t attend the first hearing (hower my hospitalisation any letters came home for me to attend the hearing).
how can live here??
Five years now of living in U.K, I don’t have status neither the H.P, ELR,ELE,D.P etc…
How can I survive? you may need to come down in provinces and find out how people or foreigner coop with their lives, it’s so sad
My authority, people are now stealing cars, goods in houses, commercialising fake passepoerts because of financially your knwoledge do you think they would be so criminals if they had been given status????
Social Stability is the key fact to all daily routines we’re nationnally facing.
I would totally support your view on granting status to all failed immigrants asylum seekers.
Please we’re daily crying in the city while I’m friends drive a very nice cars , attending good universities, having enough for their expenses, good looking as you’re aware fashion is a fisrt concern for the youth.
please contact me by email
A UK citizen is entitled to live freely in the UK once they have completed the terms of a punishment. A non-UK citizen is not.
No. The current state of the law is that a non-UK citizen may be recommended for deportation on completion of a sentence; if they’re not recommended for deportation, they’re free to remain. To deport every non-UK-passport-holding ex-offender on completion of their sentence would be a major departure from current practice.
]]>I am not denying the right or practice of sovereign states to deport those it finds unwelcome. But sovereign states are, or are supposed to be, subject to human rights legislation, and should not either effectively render someone stateless by deporting them, or remove them from their families, unless there are very strong public order or public safety reasons so to do, or return them to a situation where they risk death or torture.
]]>As for asylum seekers. Under UN rules no-one claiming asylum in the UK is legitimate unless their home country is EIRE, France, and possibly Iceland.
Strict laws are good for society.
]]>Just wondering if we really should be deporting people who have served their time….