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Comments on: When it’s rational to kill yourself http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/ Trying to make a point Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Sharp » Blog Archive » Suicides and sling-shots http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-12519 Fri, 19 May 2006 11:41:59 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-12519 […] Jarndyce wonders if he has a “famous fan”. His point last year, asking when it is rational to kill yourself seems to be repeated by Timothy Garton-Ash at Comment Is Free. A fascinating point is that suicide bombings occur more frequently against democracies, rather than insurgencies against dictatorships who will deny them the oxygen of publicity. The fact that suicide bombers are not usually poor or uneducated is mentioned in both posts too. […]

By: Tim Worstall http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3908 Sun, 20 Nov 2005 15:35:35 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3908 Britblog Roundup # 40

Yes, indeedy, it is Britblog Roundup time from your newly published author. Good, having got the preening out of the way, on with the main event. You can make nominations for next week’s extravaganza by sending the URL of what

By: David Duff http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3880 Fri, 18 Nov 2005 08:30:03 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3880 Even so, Larry, I notice an alarming absence of any examples of statesmen acting other than in national self-interest. Perhaps you might care to fill the gap on your site and give the scatology a rest!

By: Larry http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3863 Thu, 17 Nov 2005 11:46:37 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3863 Duff: or I could simply say that in a democracy we appoint our statesman to do what we tell them.

So to this: “we appoint our statesmen to act only in our *best* interests” I say: you speak for yourself, I’m free to cast my vote on whatever basis I choose.

And in speaking for yourself, you say that “morality is not, or should not, be a concern of statesmen“, you’re doing nothing more then telling a little bit about yourself – namely your indifference to killing other people when it suits you.

Apologies for going off-topic. I won’t say more on this in this thread.

By: Jim Birch http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3860 Thu, 17 Nov 2005 04:48:29 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3860 Good example, David.

Ask yourself why the Scots aren’t running a suicide bombing campaign in London. My answer: A bit of bad history, but no real grievances.

But, if the English started flying zillion dollar high tech gunships over Scottish cities blowing random people to pieces away with 105 mm cannon this might well change. And various old hatreds would be invoked and forgotten historical incidents would develop new life. Hell, they might even say they hate the English for what they are…

By: David Duff http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3858 Wed, 16 Nov 2005 23:00:14 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3858 So it will be very easy, Larry, for you to produce several examples of statesman acting in a moral manner irrespective of national self interest, enough examples, that is, to prove that it is the norm amongst statesmen.

By: Larry http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3854 Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:22:52 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3854 Jarndyce: I disagree that seeing suicide bombing as rational has no useful policy implications. If we see these actions as rational rather than the work of madmen…

But that’s a false dichotomy, at least given my assumption that 99% of human activity is not “rational”.

Look I’m all in favour of trying to understand these people, to see where they get their motivations from, and I’m certainly keen on drifting away from the infantile notion of a Global War On Terrorism. But personally I’d wish to do that without appealing to the concept rationality, which I see as a semantic obstacle rather than anything else.

Duff: “as I have pointed out elsewhere, morality is not, or should not, be a concern of statesmen”

And as I have pointed out elsewhere, that’s a complete load of old cobblers.

By: David Duff http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3850 Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:15:46 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3850 “You need some real grievances..”

No, Jim, with respect, any old pretend ones will do, particularly in this age of mass, distorted news management. And if you are the world’s only super-power, as the USA is, then it is impossible, completely impossible, to *not* give some-one offence, somewhere in the world, even if you do nothing. For a very small example, ask yourself what we English would have to do to assuage the inbuilt resentment of the Scots? Stop breathing, might be the only answer!

‘Shuggy’, you are quite right; to contemplate the destruction of Israel with indifference is not a moral position, but as I have pointed out elsewhere, morality is not, or should not, be a concern of statesmen. If I didn’t already have a hundred other reasons why I never want to be a politician, that one would do. Nevertheless, in the same way that we send our diplomats abroad to lie for us, we appoint our statesmen to act only in our *best* interests. I wouldn’t want to work in the sewer system, but I’m glad some-one shifts my shit whilst I look away with a hankie covering my nose!

By: Jarndyce http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3849 Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:05:21 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3849 DD: it’s not true that they declared war on 9/11. They in fact did so on 23/2/1998, an act that received the level of publicity (though hopefully not attention in the right places) which it was due, i.e. almost none. The minute we offer them up a branded, Manichean GWOT, a proper clash of civilisations, we’re giving them what they want, not least because it makes recruitment to the enemy side a hell of a lot easier. Round One to them. Militant Islam does have other than local goals, sure, but they are ludicrous fantasies and need to be treated as such.

As for the rest, I’m equally surprised to be agreeing with Andrew. I think suicide terrorists are primarily rational on their own terms, for the reasons I’ve given above, and these are terms we need to understand. Equally, though, I have no problem condemning their actions as evil, wicked, unforgiveable (worse even than sitting idly by whilst Israel is exterminated) — as anyone who has read other stuff I’ve written would know. I have no problem being unequivocal about right and wrong — and, yes, sometimes communicating that in a totalitarian way (hence the usual disagreement with Andrew). I don’t think we should be negotiating with them, for starters.

But don’t confuse structure with agency here. Any “pseudo-Marxist” analysis I’ve used is to get at the former without making any statement about the latter.

By: Andrew Bartlett http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/11/when-its-rational-to-kill-yourself/#comment-3848 Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:32:25 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=198#comment-3848 “resorting to relativism in order to explain wicked behaviour stems from the delusion that human beings are fundamentally good and only do bad under exceptional circumstances.”

I am sorry, but that is absolute nonsense. I have said nothing about people being fundamentally anything. It is important to understand people on their own terms, as that is the only way that we can understand their actions without performing some kind of essentially duplicitous self-projection. It says nothing about good or bad, but is merely a project for understanding human action.
