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Trying to make a pointFri, 25 Jan 2008 12:21:35 +0000hourly1By: Marcin Tustin
Sat, 08 Oct 2005 20:58:41 +0000http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=146#comment-3350I remember that one time I was walking through the West Key mall in Southampton with an Italian girl, and a small child ran past, running away from its (his, as I recall) parents who were attempting to catch him without violating the taboo against running in public places. Being raised in a society where it isn’t assumed that everyone you don’t know is a paedophile, my Italian companion reached down to stop the child by grabbing his arm or shoulder, whereupon people looked on in shock, and the parents rushed up to save their child from being touched by a stranger. If my memory serves, they didn’t know what to say, as in point of fact she had done them (and possibly the child – although I suspect that the kid would have rejoined his family group once ready) a favour, but equally didn’t know how to react to this breach of inane social norms.