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Comments on: What next? A few thoughts on the new convergences http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/ Trying to make a point Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Meaders http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-469 Wed, 25 May 2005 18:49:52 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-469 Fingers crossed for the next four years, then.

By: Rob Read http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-376 Thu, 19 May 2005 17:09:42 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-376 I’m hoping the evil collectivist left dies a proper death in the coming election.

By: Third Avenue http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-289 Tue, 17 May 2005 15:34:33 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-289 Meaders – your analysis of the three main parties’ post-election positions is compelling. As you imply, the Lib Dems face a real challenge of finding a coherent place for themselves on the political spectrum

On Respect, I need a bit more convincing. Whether it forms the basis for a breakthrough on the left depends to a large extent on how far it can survive without the ‘Iraq factor’. By the next election, Iraq will almost certainly be less of a factor than it is now (and Blair will be gone, after all). Can Respect build on its other policies to gain the broader support it needs? It will have its work cut out to be seen as anything bigger than an ‘anti-war’ party.

Rather like Stephen C, I can’t help feeling that Galloway is not the best standard bearer for the party. Charismatic he may well be, but he undoubtedly gives many people the willies. Is this because of a hostile media? He certainly doesn’t get an easy time, but his personality and self-confessed errors of judgement (he will struggle to ever get past the ‘indefatigability’ quote) do not play in his favour. Respect needs quite urgently to consider other faces to engage with the public. Perhaps you could volunteer…

By: Stephen C http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-281 Tue, 17 May 2005 14:19:21 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-281 Isn’t Respect’s basic problem (and this extends to most political movements on the Left) that they are terribly good at complaining about things and protesting against things, but poor at proposing realistic solutions to the problems they get angry about?

If it weren’t for this fact (and the fact that I find Galloway loathsome), I would have signed up as a member ages ago.

By: Nosemonkey http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-273 Tue, 17 May 2005 09:46:54 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-273 Instead we should join EU. Hurrah!

The punnage is terrible…

By: dearieme http://sharpener.johnband.org/2005/05/what-next-a-few-thoughts-on-the-new-convergences/#comment-271 Tue, 17 May 2005 09:15:04 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=43#comment-271 Meaders says “join us” and Toni says “Join US”.
No thanks.
