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Comments on: “Une sorte de maladie de langueur, de fatigue généralisée” http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/08/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/ Trying to make a point Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: chris http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/08/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32765 Wed, 30 Aug 2006 17:36:28 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/2006/08/30/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32765 To paraphrase Ms Colonna the EU is bad, people don’t like it, so lets have more of it.

1%-2% of GDP might be too small a sum to try and organise the industry of Europe, but then why would you want to? All previous experiments, at the national and transnational level, in organising industry for by some predefined plan have all ended in failure when compared to just stepping backing and letting the market deal with it. Personally I would not like to see any increase in the EU’s budget until it can at least account for where the money that it currently spends goes.

By: Colman http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/08/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32704 Wed, 30 Aug 2006 13:41:32 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/2006/08/30/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32704 I still think that a lot of the problems are traceable not to the EU but to the national politicians that use it for their own ends, taking credit for the good stuff it does and claiming their hands are tied when it does something unpopular.

By: European Tribune http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/08/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32702 Wed, 30 Aug 2006 13:37:49 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/2006/08/30/une-sorte-de-maladie-de-langueur-de-fatigue-generalisee/#comment-32702 Old and tired Europe…

Nosemonkey writes about France’s Minister for European Affairs, Catherine Colonna, comments about the state of the EU. She claimed that the Union was “suffering from a s……
