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Comments on: Those who can: cheat http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/ Trying to make a point Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Soupdragon http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-8239 Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:54:35 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-8239 You’re right ~ I’ve been in Hong Kong for 3 years the now, teaching English to wee Chinese kids. I came back to England for a few months and bloody hell! Everything is “fresh shrimp’s” and crap. Fresh shrimp’s what exactly?
Learn you’re own bloody language, you bunch o useless gets. Fuck’s sake, I teach the simplist o the simple but you have to get your apostrophes right…
Ah an whoops, a bit pished so having trouble concentrating. Lovely blog etc, pity they shut down whats-his-tit (“surprising revelation”) and hope he continues on here.
p.s. please don’t criticise my English cos I said I was a teacher. Everyone does that. It’s like Finding Nemo ~ hey, you’re a clown fish, say summat funny! Fuck off, etc etc..
All that said, nice blog an all…

By: Paul http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6557 Wed, 08 Mar 2006 16:30:31 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6557 Aware – Know it’s not technically sound, but I wanted the more fatalistic overtone. Poetic licence if you will.

By: ajay http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6551 Wed, 08 Mar 2006 14:53:27 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6551 Please learn the difference between in extremis and “in the extreme”.

By: Simstim http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6510 Tue, 07 Mar 2006 14:22:46 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6510 I didn’t know that the Thursday Rant was still running!

By: Paul http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6506 Tue, 07 Mar 2006 10:10:59 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6506 “Girls lack imagination? Say what?”

In the context of education (and pseudo-polemic): I don’t think it’s too much of a leap to equate assiduity with a lack of imagination. And it’s often used as a actual proper reason like given by academic officials and stuff as to why girls do better at every level of education bar getting firsts at uni…

Really, if we’re going to start nit-picking horribly hasty generalisations, none of us will have any fun :) Next thing we won’t be able to call politicians snivelling snake-hearted swine on the flimsy grounds that they’re probably above-average human beings. And no one needs that.

By: GenderGeek http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6476 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 18:26:40 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6476 Girls lack imagination? Say what?

By: Katherine http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6475 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 18:23:09 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6475 Typo.

By: Paul http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6474 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 17:03:14 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6474 Cheers for pointing it out. Hate to see things like that go unnoticed. Corrected (or at least will be as soon as this damn thing lets me).

Incidentally, what’s the logic behind the second quotation mark in your example? :)

By: Katherine http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6473 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 16:57:39 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6473 I feel I must point out the incorrect use of an apostrophe in the tenth paragraph, second to last line – “viz. that girl’s outperform boys at the more strictly standardised levels of education”. I believe that should be just “girls” there.

And that is, if I may say, a much dafter mistake than using “it’s” as the possessive form, which is after all, at least semi-logical, given the use of the apostrophe in other possessive forms – e.g. “Katherine’s grammar was better than “Paul’s”.

By: Paul http://sharpener.johnband.org/2006/03/those-who-can-cheat/#comment-6459 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:33:12 +0000 http://www.thesharpener.net/?p=238#comment-6459 UPDATE: we’re saved!

(in short: students must now know how to read, write and add up to pass exams. Bonus.)
